What to do if a heart attack

 Ādhunika biśbē apariṇata baẏasē mr̥tyura an'yatama kāraṇa hārṭa ayāṭāka. Hārṭa ayāṭākēra jan'ya kōnō ēkaka kāraṇakē dāẏī karā yāẏa nā. Kāraṇa samūhēra cikiṯsā, pratirōdha ō jībana yāpana byabasthāẏa paribartanēra mādhyamē hārṭa ayāṭākēra sambhābanā pratihata karā yāẏa. Paribartita jībana byabasthāẏa abhyasta byaktira hārṭa ayāṭāka halē sē'i āghātēra tībratā, mātrā, yantraṇā ēbaṁ jaṭilatā anēka kama haẏa. Preventing Heart attack is better than treatment. Yādēra ucca raktacāpa, ḍāẏābēṭisa, dhūmapāna, madyapānēra abhyāsa, carbira ādhikya kimbā paribārē hārṭa ayāṭākēra itihāsa āchē tādēra kṣētrē bukē byathā halē hārṭa ayāṭāka, māẏōkārḍiẏāla, inaphārkaśana, ānaṣṭyābala ēnajā'inā ityādi cintā karē tāṛātāṛi cikiṯsā śuru karā ucita. Hr̥dayantrēra samasyāra cikiṯsāra jan'ya samaẏa apacaẏēra pūrbē saṭhika cikiṯsā śuru halē hārṭa ayāṭākēra jaṭilatā ō akāla mr̥tyura sambhābanā anēka kamē yāẏa.
Hārṭa ayāṭākēra lakṣaṇa ki ki
1. Bukē atulanīẏa tībra byāthā,
2. Bukē cāpa/yantranā/bhārī lāgā,
3. Biṣama khā'ōẏā,
4. Dama bandha ha'ōẏā/śbāsa kaṣṭa,
5. Pracura ghāma,
6. Bami bā bamira bhāba,
7. Anāgata mr̥tyura bhaẏa.
Hārṭa ayāṭākēra cikiṯsā
cikiṯsāra jan'ya rōgīkē druta nikaṭasta hāsapātālēra jaruri bibhāgē niẏē yētē habē. Sannikaṭē hr̥darōgēra cikiṯsā subidhā sambalita hāsapātāla thākalē sēkhānē yā'ōẏā'i uttama. Hāsapātālē hr̥darōga biśēṣajñēra tattbābadhānē dhārābāhika cikiṯsā grahaṇa karatē habē. Hāsapātālē paum̐chāra pūrbē bāsā/karmasthala/rāstāẏa yā karatē habē.

Heart attack is the leading cause of death in the modern world early. No single cause can not be held responsible for a heart attack. Because of the treatment, prevention, and by changes in living systems, the possibility of a heart attack can be prevented. Changed the life of a man accustomed to the system and the severity of injuries suffered a heart attack, levels of pain and complications are much less. Preventing Heart attack is better than treatment. Those with high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, drinking habits, excess fat or a family history of heart attacks in people who have a heart attack, chest pain, myocardial, infarction, early treatment should start thinking of anastyabala enajaina. Lots of wasted time for the treatment of heart problems before starting the treatment and the complications of a heart attack can reduce the chance of premature death.
What are the symptoms of a heart attack
1. Unrivaled severe chest pain,
II. Chest tightness / pain / heavy catch,
3. Eat choking,
4. Closed breath / breathing trouble,
5. Lots of sweat,
6. Vomiting, nausea or vomiting,
7. Unborn fear of death.
Heart attack treatment
Near the hospital emergency department for treatment, the patient must be rapid. If you go there, better medical facilities containing seizures near the hospital. A series of hospital treatment to be taken under the supervision of cardiologist. Before reaching the hospital, home / work / in the street have to do.
1. Ensuring adequate lighting batasa

II. The pressure is sprayed under the tongue nitrate or nitrate tablet should be.
3. Quick to reach the hospital system
Ideal living, blood pressure and blood sugar levels to keep accurate, regular exercise, smoking and alcohol elimination, avoidance of loose salt, oil, fat, sweets eat less, eat more vegetables sabaji, tension control and the risk of a heart attack from the stress of life must have. The best time to treat a heart attack, your heart will be fearless. A man's heart, to the heart, so be careful.
The writer is an assistant professor of cardiology specialist
National Heart Institute, Dhaka medinobha Medical Services Ltd.
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