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General rules-4

1*Nick them, obscene, vulgar, is offensive.

2* If their e-mail addresses obscene, vulgar, is offensive.

3* If they      (i).
                                           'S policies have repeatedly been broken

4* If you are a blogger or aggressive person, we realize that the post takes to spoil the harmony has been prepared for the blog.

5* If a blogger writing or through pictures or any other claims presented himself as a blogger. Registration will take more than one person, although we support; Many writers prefer to write in the name of pseudo. But if a blogger, writing is clear and the evidence that his blog gets more turbulent environment in which we consider him to ban it.

6* If a blogger to another blogger's blog, individualattacks, insulting, obscene, vulgar, offensive, comments containing obscenities.

7* If you ride a blogger to another, with the aim to register a nick.

8* If we find evidence of a blog that gets more than he can destroy the environment using blogs, blog to protect the environment in all of its regular nikatisaha will be banned.

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