Guava dehydration

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Our country is one of the guava fruits available. Fruit is not only delicious drink, but also unparalleled pustiguneo. The large amounts of water, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B, minerals, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc. contains. They increase the body's resistance to disease, as well as help you stay healthy. At the same time the skin, hair and eyes, providing better nutrition to work. Therefore, we should cultivate the habit of eating guava a day to stay healthy.
Read more on the health benefits of guava thing

Prevent Diarrhea
Peyaraya ayastrijena, which is an element that helps to prevent diarrhea. The vitamin C, kyarotinayedasa, potassium and increase the power of digestion ayantibyakateriyala material because it works well.

Eye care
Peyaraya nutrient-rich fruits, vitamin A is associated with various diseases, such as age, it ayalajheimara, cataracts, riumeteda, helps prevent athraitisa. This is to prevent night blindness and vision contributed to the increase.

Brain health is good
Peyaraya Vitamin B-3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pairodaksina) has two elements such as improving blood flow to the head. As a result, it is better brain health.

Thyroid controls
Copper peyaraya because it helps to keep the thyroid. It also contributes to hormone production and absorption control.

Prevent Diabetes
It contains plenty of fiber, which contributes to the prevention of type II diabetes. So, to stay healthy with diabetes to eat guava there is no alternative.

Constipation away
Guava is rich in fiber holds water in the body and keeps the intestines clean. Constipation is easily removed.

Nerves to rest
Guava magnesium-rich foods because it helps to keep the nerves at rest. It also plays the role of tired muscle in the body.

For pregnant women
Doctors advise pregnant women to eat more guava. It contains plenty of vitamin B-9, as well as folic acid, which removes any problems snayujanita garbhojata keeps children healthy.

The ability to raise Pregnancy
Follett guava, which is a major source of capacity building plays an important role in conceiving.

Nutrition intake
The element manganese peyaraya because it helps to take a quick nutrition. We are constantly taking food from the Bayotina, taking vitamins and minerals helps the food is.

Infection control
Guava helps heal cold. At the same time it contributes to prevent respiratory difficulties.

Lose weight
The large amounts of vitamins, protein, fiber and minerals are. Peyaraya the absence of any cholesterol that contributes to weight loss.

Cancer prevention
It contains vitamin C and an antioxidant called laikoprotina styana Protest and protects us from the risk of cancer.

Skin care
Peyaraya vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients, because it keeps the skin elasticity. Not only that, acne, facial wrinkles to remove black dagasaha this role.

Youth hold
Vitamins A, B, C and good source of potassium guava. It helps keep the skin healthy is not just, at the same time maintains the youth of the skin.

Keeps blood pressure under control
Reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood of peyaraya potassium helps control blood pressure.

Reduces hair fall
It contains vitamin C, which helps hair health and hair growth. It also contributes to hair fall problem.

Datemra care
Swollen gums, such as medical problems that guava helps prevent ulcers. The guava leaf extract benefits like playing a fortune.

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